43rd OSEAL Forum in Philippines 2-5/12/2004

The objects of the OSEAL Forum include:

“To promote Lionism in the Orient an South East Areas with due consideration given to international Lionism and the promotion of the objectives of LCI and the current goals of the International president”.

‘To promote better inter-regional understanding and fellowship ship in line with the Lions International Objects and Code of Ethics”

It is the practise for OSEAL to hold a Forum once a year like Forums held in the other 6 world regions. The forums are held in rotation at different countries with the Region and is usually held towards the end of each year. There has been a total of 42 Forums held in our Region 5 and the coming one, 42nd Forum will be held in Manila, Philippine.

MD308 had hosted the 10th (1971 in Singapore), 17th (1978 in KL), 24th (1985 in Singapore), 31st (1992 in KL) Forum. Penang will host the 45th Forum in 2006 after Japan.

OSEAL and other Forums held throughout the world when decisions were made are not recognised by LCI though the IP and or one of the Vice presidents, ID or PID attends these Forums. This is so as LCI does not want to pressurize by any region and yet the Presidents would be aware of their wishes and aspirations.

The Forums are attended by Lions who appoints among themselves Chief Delegates which are usually Council Chairman or ruling DGs to discuss issues on their behalf at Steering Committees which approves of procedures, quantum of registration fees, agenda, workshops and other matters related to the organisation and running of the Forums. Major decisions like rotation of director’s seats among OSEAL members are decided at Caucus Meetings.

OSEAL is allocated 4 Directors seats out of 32 on the International Board of Directors and every 10 years, OSEAL members at Caucus Meetings decides on the rotation of Directorships so that all countries in the Regions has an opportunity to serve on the Board.

In the 42 years of OSEAL, MD308 has had 3 ID, namely Eng Ah Koon (Singapore 1978/80), PID Dato Douglas Lee (Malaysia 1990-92), PID Peter Fu (1997-1999). A forth directorship will be elected in 2006.



LCI is made up of Lions Clubs in 180 countries and geographical in the world. As at July 2004 there were 46,232 clubs and a membership of 1,368,725.  For administrative purposes LCI is made up of 7 regions as follows:


United States and affiliates, Bermuda and Bahamas




Mexico, South & Central America and Caribbean area




Orient & Philippines and South East Asia (renamed Orient & SEA)


South Asia Africa & middle east


Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, isle of South Pacific


We shall highlight on REGION 5 or OSEAL.

The region comprises of the following countries:

1. Japan

8 MD with 31 sub districts

Total number of clubs – 3211

Total membership: 168,899 members


2. Republic of Korea (S.Korea)

1 MD with 15 sub districts

Total clubs: 1406

Total membership: 60,642


3. China (Hong Kong & Macau) & Taiwan

2 MD with 12 sub districts

Total clubs: 855

Total membership:  37,384 members



1 MD with 7 sub districts

Total clubs: 407

Total membership: 13,048



1 MD with 4 sub districts

Total clubs: 300

Total membership: 7000



1 MD with 5 sub districts

Total number of clubs: 304

Membership: 12,174


1 Lions Club with 37 members


Guan & Micronesia

20 Lions clubs with 474 members


There are a total of 6360 Lions clubs in OSEAL or 15% of the number of Lions clubs in the world

There are a total of 299,916 members making up of 25% of the world’s membership


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